a performing and teaching company

Wings of Spring



Held at the end of Ithaca College’s Spring Term every other year by the Department of Theatre and Dance Performance’s Dance Composition class, this site-specific event presents student choreography in a range of outdoor settings.

WHEN: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 6pm. The event will last 90 minutes. You are welcome to come and go as you are able.

WHAT WILL HAPPEN: You will be led around the Ithaca College campus to experience choreography created specifically in a range of unique spaces. Fourteen student choreographers will present their site-specific solos and speak briefly about their creative process.

WHERE: Meet us on the Dillingham Red Carpet, just outside the Hoerner Theater.  The event will start promptly at 6pm!

FOR MORE INFO: Contact Daniel Gwirtzman, dgwirtzman@ithaca.edu

CHOREOGRAPHERS: Ignacio Torres Borges, Megan Bush, Alexandra Champion, Kari Erickson, Alexa Gonzalez, Helen Hartney, Kaden Hawkins, Jared Jefferson, Lila Mohler, Nicole Morgan, Leezum Regensburg, Anna Riley, Kylie Schultz, Kate Staron, Corrinthea Washington

INSTRUCTOR: Daniel Gwirtzman


Site-Specific Interior Studies: Full Class

Music Study, Charles Mingus: Megan Bush, Kari Erickson

Music Study, John Adams: Ignacio Torres Borges

Site-Specific Exterior Solos

MAP of EVENT (Program Below)

1. Weight of Grief: Kari Erickson

2. Woven: Kate Staron

3. Darkness in Daylight: Jared Jefferson

4. At Ease: Corrinthea Washington

5. Uneven Path: Kaden Hawkins

6. Amphitrite: Megan Bush

7. Shades of Cool: Lila Mohler

8. Impatiently Waiting: Helen Hartney

9. Time is Precious: Nicole Morgan

10. Ripple: Anna Riley

11. Green Thumb: Leezum Regensburg

12. Step by Step: Kylie Schultz

13. Restless: Alexa Gonzalez

14. On/Off: Ignacio Torres Borges

Dance Composition Class, April 16, 2024