a performing and teaching company


The Company provides professional training through guest classes and its own ongoing dance programs.

Dances from the repertory of the Company have been set on professional companies including the North Carolina Dance Theater (“Cycles”), Ann Arbor Dance Works (“Night and Dreams,”) and the Michigan-based Eisenhower Dance Ensemble (“Encore”).

The Company has enjoyed teaching residencies at New York’s Broadway Dance Center, Dance New Amsterdam and The Place (London, England) and master classes for Rochester City Ballet and the Richmond Ballet.

Summer Dance Festival.

Please visit our FESTIVALS page to learn more about our summer programming for professional dancers.

Internship opportunities.

The Company has a history of training university students through its internship program. Past interns have come from Ohio University, Barnard College, Columbia University and The University of Michigan. Learn what it’s like to run a dance company from the inside.

Apprenticeship opportunities.