Amanda Blauer
Interview w
ith Amanda
Name: Amanda Blauer
Hometown: Lexington, MA
What in your dance background has shaped you into the dancer that you are today? Growing up, I went to the typical tap, jazz, ballet studio, and really specialized in tap. It wasn’t until high school that I discovered modern dance and knew I wanted to pursue it. My love for tap really comes through in my modern dancing, and I’m more drawn to choreography with musicality and intricate patterns. At George Mason University, I was able to further explore the world of modern dance and perform works by some of the greats. I keep learning more about my styles and abilities with each choreographer I work with in the city!
What is your favorite thing about performing? My favorite part of performing is getting to show people what I love to do. There’s nothing like live performance, and as a dancer we never know what kind of breakthrough we may have on stage that day. After rehearsing for months, it’s an amazing feeling to show everything you’ve worked so hard on and really immerse yourself in the choreography and relationships with other dancers.
What is your warm-up ritual? My warm up ritual involves some downward dogs and planks, a shortened ballet barre, and running through the choreography in my head all day.
What’s in your dance bag? My dance bag consists of trail mix or a bar, a water bottle, a book, a theraband, an extra pair of socks, toe tape, and some bobby pins floating around at the bottom.
What is the most rewarding aspect of being a dancer? The most rewarding aspect of being a dancer is knowing that I get to do what I love most for work. Some days I will take it for granted if I’m feeling tired before rehearsal or need to rest, but as soon as I’m in the studio I’m reminded again of why I can’t give it up. There’s always some choreography or music playing in my head and I hope it never goes away!
What is a normal day-in-the-life for you? A normal day will start with dance class or yoga/Pilates, a dance rehearsal, and teaching Pilates at the end of the day.
What keeps you going? Things that keep me going: Yoga, Pilates, eggs in the morning, fabulous friends, face timing the fam, dare I say a glass of wine?
As an artist, what led you to the Company? I heard about the Company through other dancers I saw working with DGDC a few years back. When I saw there was an audition I had a good feeling and was immediately drawn to the dynamic movement and partner work.
Describe the process of working on The Oracle? The process varies with each rehearsal, but within each phrase that’s created, we continue to develop the movement and relationships more and more each time. We’re always learning new things and continuing to refine other phrases.
What has been most challenging about process and the work? The most challenging part for me has been the partnering work. I have most recently partnered with other women, which often limits how much weight can be taken. It’s been fun and difficult to work with men again and find deeper connections.
Have you made any new discoveries during the rehearsal process? Most importantly, I’ve learned to trust myself more. When working with partners, you have to have a very trusting relationship. If I was doubting myself and my own abilities, there was no way I could be a good partner to others. I’m still working on it!
Why do you think someone should come to see The Oracle at BAM at the end of May? I think people will really relate to what they see in The Oracle. Each relationship and pairing represents different aspects of life, and watching a large group come together toward the end will be extremely powerful.