a performing and teaching company

Falling in all Directions

For Daniel Gwirtzman Dance Company, fall’s curriculum covers a range of stimulating projects, in academia, the professional field and the general community. It is the diet we follow and love, what keeps us in prime shape.

October 17-18 DG participates in the Tennessee Association of Dance’s annual Tennessee Dance Festival, Chattanooga, TN

October 23-26 DGDC in residence at The University at Buffalo, where Encore was set on the Dance Department’s company

November 11-15 The Company’s Volcano, for a cast of eleven, is produced by the Kennesaw State University Dance Company, Atlanta

November 20-23 Together, duet commissioned by The New York State DanceForce’s The Duets Project, and The College at Brockport’s Department of Dance, is produced by The University of The South, Sewanee, TN.

November 22 DG offers Master Class at The University of The South, free to the general community, Sewanee, TN

November 24 DG donates Master Class to dance and theater students at Nazareth College, Rochester, NY

November 25 DG donates Master Class dance students at The School of the Arts, Rochester, NY

December 3 DGDC conducts workshop for dance students from North Springs Charter High School, Sandy Springs, GA

December 5 Master Class at The University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Winston-Salem, NC

December 6-7 Speaking One’s Voice: a choreographic workshop at the American Dance Festival’s Samuel Scripps Studios, Durham, NC

BAM Season: May 30-June 1

The ORACLE World Premiere May 30, May 31, June 1, at BAM Fisher.

Read all about the performance on our ORACLE page.


Rock The Boat

The last film of The Brazil Series is the rollicking fun Rock The Boat. Classical, improvisational and hip-hop forms blend into a picnic of delights when this seaman’s obsession with dance animates a series of empty boats.  Watch it HERE on our Fifteen Anniversary Page.

Crab World

It’s a crab’s world after all. Daniel Gwirtzman and filmmaker Rafael Silva de Carvalho collaborated on Crab World, a two-minute film shot on location in Misericordia, Bahia, a tiny village on the island of Itaparica, across the Bay from Salvador. Watch the film HERE!

Into The Streets

With wit, great will and a cast of Brazilian dancers of diverse backgrounds, Daniel leads the enthusiastic literally into the streets of  Salvador da Bahia, the former capital of Brazil.   Filmed at the time of historic protests this film is a peaceful response to the violent uprisings.  In the heart of Afro-Brazil, just blocks […]


Pier (2014), a dance-for-camera film created in Bahia, captures the perfect symbiosis of elements: a clear day during the heavy rainy season with good light at high tide. In Bahia surprises abound and when the elements conspired the collaborative team ran.  Click HERE to watch the humorous, sensory 4-minute video.

Escape to Bahia: Chegada

At long last, the Brazil Series!  Daniel Gwirtzman returned to Brazilian soil in the summer of 2013 after exactly ten years thanks to a two-month fellowship from the Sacatar Foundation. One of many films made while in Bahia, the film Chegada, which means arrival in Portuguese, highlights the beauty of the natural landscape and Daniel’s […]

Life Coach Danny: Spring Tips

He’s back! And by popular demand! Daniel Gwirtzman’s hilarious alter ego, Life Coach Danny, offers a plethora of everyday advice in Spring Tips: Five Tips for a New You in the New Spring, a three-minute video.  Exercise, nutrition, healthy living, these are the topics, and more!, LCD preaches from his pulpit. Check out his infectiousness! […]

Sisyphus-4th Film of Season

Sisyphus, conceived, directed and edited by the collaborative team of Daniel and Stefanos Milkidis, premieres.  Inspired by the majestic landscape of northern California, this meditation on time, futility and work updates the Greek myth to show Sisyphus forever pushing a wheeled piece of farm machinery. Click HERE to watch!

No Trespassing-Our 3rd Event!

The Company produced No Trespassing, a seven-and-a-half-minute film a year ago when in residence in northern California, and releases the film as the third of fifteen events marking the Company’s fifteenth anniversary virtual season.  Directed by Stefanos Milkidis and featuring Daniel, the site-specific dance film screened last July at the American Dance Festival’s International Screendance […]